Hi Girls! Do you know what natural oils are best for? If not, then today’s post is just for you! You will find out what conditioning properties they have. I hope I’ll manage to convince you that natural care is best and effective! I have been using oils for several months – I like applying them to my hair, face, hands, nails, and even eyelashes. I replaced most of my cosmetics[…]

Sensitive skin is difficult to take care of because it is easily irritated. Even a few drops of tap water can cause it. Sensitive skin tolerates pharmacy cosmetics best. Choose products with soothing and intensely moisturizing properties. However, before you go into the details of care, you must identify the type of skin you have. How to distinguish sensitive skin from allergy-prone skin? What harms sensitive skin and what cosmetics for[…]

Hello! You say acne and you think teenagers. The second association are pimples and blackheads appearing on face, frequently leaving discolourations or blemishes. However, it turns out that acne is a problem touching adults as well, and it often affects back skin area. If it wasn’t enough, back acne often takes rather painful and widespread forms. To make it even worse, it’s really hard to cure it and, more often[…]

Hey there! Are you looking for a hair mask for damaged, weak and extremely dry hair? Look no further but grab some keratin-rich product. The truth is, you should use keratin on a regular basis even if your strands are in a good condition – you know, just to steer clear of dryness, brittleness and dullness. Today you will learn what makes keratin so vital for the strands. And while[…]

Hey! I don’t know your preferences, but my favourite skin beautifying treatment is the application of scrub. Removing dead epidermis cells is an incredible way of improving skin condition, doing massage and making yourself relaxed. I love homemade body scrubs because I can create them either from what I currently have in my cupboards or what is growing in my garden. However, I adore salt and sugar body scrubs the[…]

Hawaiian pizza is a controversial meal — for ones, it is super delicious and to others, it is an unsuccessful combination to say the least. Pizza Hut, a brand of my favourite pizza restaurants, just released for the very first group of people the protective lip balm with smell and taste of pineapple pizza. Is it a good idea? Are you up for it? Protective lips balms in all sorts[…]

Hello Girls! Hair lamination is a marvellous procedure! If you have dry, matte and damaged hair, don’t hesitate and visit a hairdresser immediately! So went I, and I didn’t regret that. Although the effects held out really long, they had to vanish sooner or later. Hence I decided to repeat the procedure but this time at home. What were the outcomes? Continue reading to find out more. What is hair[…]

There are legends surrounding castor oil and its properties. I’m not going to be another blogger who repeats myths about it. I’m going to tell you only the facts. What are hair benefits of castor oil? How to use it so it doesn’t weigh your hair down? How to make castor oil easier to apply? Read on to find out! Magic of Castor Oil It is the cheapest hair oil[…]