Hi girls! Today you’re going to read why my hair became dry, used to fall out in an uncontrolled way, and my scalp was covered with dandruff. Probably you think that it was due to the poorly-chosen cosmetics I applied or because of a disease I suffered from. You couldn’t be further from the truth. The blame has to be put on my… blow-dryer. If your hair also looks similar,[…]

Hello!  Detox has become quite popular recently. We like to cleanse not just our body but also soul, and lately, even the skin and the hair. We don’t want to have anything to do with any unhealthy substances and prefer to surround ourselves with natural ingredients and live according to eco-friendly principles. But do we really need detox? Let’s check what are the facts and myths about cleansing the body of[…]

Dry skin can be described as thin and sensitive, and, at the same time, not elastic enough. It contains little water, hence the sudden appearance of wrinkles. For that reason it ages faster than other skin types. In most cases these are blonde women with pale complexion as well as women after 40 whose skin is categorised as dry. Dry skin is very sensitive to the action delivered by cosmetics,[…]

Hey girls! Recently, I’ve collected quite a number of cosmetics which I’m totally fascinated with. They are perfect, work better than just well, are worth their price and definitely they should be talked about. In September I was literally snowed with such wonders – they somehow multiplied. It would took me ages to describe each of them separately, therefore I’m throwing them all to one basket 🙂 Here is my[…]

Hey, have you ever thought about the water you use for a hair wash? I guess, you haven’t. It doesn’t matter, right? Actually, it does! Hard water harms your hair! Too many minerals don’t have a good influence on hair condition. They settle on hair surface and penetrate inside through cuticles. Effect? Coarse, brittle, dull, stiff, tangled hair. I used to know (literally) nothing about how hard water affects hair.[…]

Hello!  Woolen socks, warm shoes, thick tights. This and other factors make the winter a hard time for your feet. They sweat in insulated footwear, the skin breaks, you get sores and other unpleasant things. If you want to survive the winter and do not expose yourself to unnecessary imperfections, then check how your foot care should look like. Discover my practical guide for everyone who is always cold. Remember about[…]

Who feels like playing a perfumer? It may turn out you’ll create an original, fantastic fragrance and top all world-class perfumers. You might make a scent that’s going to define your personality and goes along with your skin. DIY perfume isn’t difficult to make; also, it may be a wonderful gift for your beloved ones: just find out which aromas they like… rose, vanilla, or green tea? Let’s do it![…]

Hello Girls!  I know that many of you take spirulina in the form of supplements – I’m not surprised. Alga has become my obsession lately and I think I’ll also get a high-quality supplementation (by the way – if you know any good algae tablets – please, let me know!). In the meantime, I invite you to an alga cosmetic guide and perfect DIY recipes that work wonders for the skin 🙂 Homemade[…]