How to take care of fine hair – tips, opinion, products

Hiya girls <3

Did you know that the problem of fine hair relates to every other women?

Those of you, who have fine hair are probably wondering whether they have done something wrong during the treatment. I belong to the “fine-haired” group myself and often ask myself this question. Why do I have fine hair?

It turns out that in most cases, genetics is responsible for such hair type. In other words: we get thin hair from our ancestors. This structure of hair cannot be changed, but you can learn to properly take care of your strands.

Fine hair – what’s exactly like?

The thickness of the hair can be measured. Apparently, human hair thickness can range from 0,03 to 0,1 mm. Fine hair type is recognized when the diameter is in the range of 0.03-0.04 mm. Pretty sad:(

Fine hair is not the same as thinning hair

Women often confuse these two concepts. We are mistaken thinking that if someone has fine hair it means that there is few of them. Meanwhile, the amount of fine hair, in most cases, is the same for all and is within the norm, but visually (because the hair has a small diameter) the volume of the entire hairstyle is reduced. The hair just feels like it’s less of it, but it’s just an illusion.

Fine hair – things you should know about it

  • such hair can have up to 25% smaller diameter than normal
  • it often has the tendency to fall out
  • the entire diameter of the hair is affected by the thickness of its outer casing (that is, the number of scales on its surface). It can consist of up to 12 layers of scales, but – with fine hair – there are 3 times fewer layers (!)
  • the finer the hair, the less keratin and the higher the porosity
  • thin hair is easier to damage, it breaks and crumbles

I realize that the above facts do not sound optimistic.

It’s time to move on to the details – how to take care of hair? It can also be beautiful, healthy shiny and delightful. All you need to do is to provide it with proper care and … be a bit more careful than usually:) I hope that my guide will help you a little.

Fine hair – care 

How I wash fine hair?

First of all – be gentle. Such hair does not like pulling or rubbing, it is best to gently massage the scalp while washing and let the lather cover the whole hair. Such a massage lifts the roots and strengthens the bulbs. Regardless of whether you wash your hair every day or every few days – choose the right cosmetics – in drugstores, you will find a lot of products designed for washing fine hair. Their task is to take gentle care without overburdening the strands. Fine hair products also have an additional task: they add volume.

How to dry fine hair?

Many girls think that fine hair should be air-dried. It’s a fact: the hot air of the blow-dryer damages it a lot, but when your hair dries naturally, it does not gain any volume. It is best to use a blow-dryer, but with a cool air, which does not dehydrate the hair and seals the scales. If you bend over your head while drying, you will lift the hair at the base and add volume to it. A good method for increasing volume is also drying the hair with a diffuser.

How to nourish – what to apply to fine hair?

Conditioners and masks for fine hair should be chosen with caution and used with moderation. Excessive amount or badly chosen cosmetics may, unfortunately, overburden delicate hair and make it flat, without volume., The ingredients that you should avoid include: drying alcohols, silicone that sticks and overloads the hair, strong detergents, parabens, oil derivatives: they have a comedogenic effect, they irritate and after long, frequent use destroy the delicate structure of fine hair.

For nourishing fine hair, use conditioners that require rinsing – they will not overburden the strands and will not decrease the volume. Herbal rinses are also an excellent option for nourishing the hair and giving it shine without weighing down. Natural oils can also have a beneficial effect on fine hair – their advantage is that they can be matched to the construction and porosity of the hair. Natural oils strengthen the hair and bulbs, cleanse the scalp and regulate the level of sebum secretion. Well-chosen oil does not overburden the hair: it will increase volume and gently lift the hair from the root. The cosmetic market is full of special blends of oils that stimulate the bulb to work and grow healthy hair. Good hair growth oils may result in the appearance of so-called baby hair, i.e. small, “young” hair and increase the volume of hair.

Fine hair at the salon – what’s the most flattering hairstyle for this hair type?

All hair stylists have no doubt that fine hair requires proper haircut in order to look good. Hairstyles for fine hair are different and (thankfully) there is a lot to choose from – from short to waist-long 🙂 It all depends on which hairdo will make you feel good. A proper haircut will make your hair look light, full of volume and healthy. It is worth going to a good stylist who will match the hairstyle to your preferences and the type of your hair.

Many girls also ask if fine hair can be thickened – are there any home-made methods? Of course, you can go to the salon and have hair extensions applied, but it is not the cheapest solution. When it comes to thickening hair at home – the most effective, in my opinion, are natural oils. Once in a while (that is, for the so-called big event, you can try to laminate your hair with gelatin, but it’s not recommended to do it too often). Do you know any methods of thickening your hair? Oiling fine hair? Do you know good oil blends for thin hair? Please, let me know in the comments:) <3

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