Glycerine for hair. How do I use it? How does it work?

I guess you would agree with me that glycerine is a fairly controversial cosmetic ingredient. Indeed, many women keep off it since this substance is a kind of alcohol. And it’s obvious that alcohols damage hair and skin. However, I’ll try to show you the positive side of glycerine care.

First of all, we mainly find glycerine in the composition of hair cosmetics. Till some point in my life I was also avoiding products containing the very substance because I thought that it would be equally harmful to my hair as other products filled with alcohols such as Kerastase. By the way, I can’t understand this hype surrounding this brand’s cosmetics, which are really very average and has foul composition.

I took my interest in glycerine after receiving a shampoo from my friend. Of course, this cosmetic included glycerine on the ingredient list. I gave it a go and it turned out that… it moisturised my hair finely and made it soft as the strands had never been before! But was it really owned to glycerine? I bought a pure glyceryl alcohol 86% and decided to test it 🙂

Glycerine – What do we know about it?

It’s a perfect fat solvent and this is why it is added to cosmetics including oils, lip balms or creams. When in its pure form, it is colourless, available only at a pharmacy’s and very cheap to buy. Moreover, the features of glycerine are really impressive since it:

  • strengthens the protection provided to skin by lipids,
  • helps balance the moisturisation level,
  • gifts skin and hair with additional protection,
  • eases irritations and the sensation of dry skin.

Glycerine – How do I use it?

Most frequently glycerine is added to creams, body balms, bath lotions and bars of soap. It’s worth enriching your favourite cosmetics with glycerine to intensify their moisturising features. Now, I would like to tell you how glycerine can be applied to hair.

Basically, this is where the problem occurred. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to apply the substance to my hair. For that reason, I decided to browse the Internet to find the answer. I came across many beauty blogs that had entries devoted to glycerine. Thank you girls because you explored and examined the issue thoroughly. To make a long story short, it turns out that glycerine can be used in two ways:

  1. Add a few drops of it to hair masks, conditioners and shampoo to enrich their compositions.
  2. Damp the hair ends in a huge amount of glycerine overnight and wash the hair in the morning.

Easy, isn’t it?

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