Beautiful Hair in Winter? Thanks to these Tricks You’ll Get It!

Hi, girls!

You can have stunning hair and healthy scalp even in winter. Just follow my tips and try out a few beauty hacks. Find them all in the post!


Vitamins, micro-nutrients, fatty acids and other nutrients upgrade the scalp condition. You must eat valuable food and take supplements to keep it healthy in the winter time. Enrich your diet with legumes, dried fruit, oats, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. The supplements should be rich in fish oil, horsetail and evening primrose. You can make use of a good shampoo and conditioner. In winter, try to give up heat styling, avoid stressful situations and support the body with probiotics when you’re ill. Use products that boost hair growth and keep it from falling out.


The winter weather may damage the hair bulbs and irritate the scalp so wearing a warm hat matters a lot. Just remember it can’t be made from the synthetic material. It must be material that lets the air through (cotton or wool). Before putting the hat on, pin the hair up to avoid split ends and rubbing strands against the scarf or jacket.


In winter, choose gentle cosmetics free from detergents and artificial substances. Avoid SLS products, mousses, sprays and other fixing cosmetics. Go for moisturising masks and conditioners. If necessary, use anti-static products. You should get friends with cosmetics containing emollients, silicones and oils during winter.


AC and heating harm your hair and scalp, too. Remember to keep the right temp and air moisture in the house. Try air moisturisers. Air the room before sleep. Apply hydrating and protective products to keep the scalp from drying.

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