5 beauty products I can’t imagine my hair care without!

Each one of us has a few favorite self-care products that she can’t imagine doing without – and this applies both to skin and hair care products. Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about cosmetics that significantly ease my daily hair care ritual – now it’s definitely more pleasant and, most of all, more effective.

Are you curious what my hair care must-haves are? Are you? If so, I’m more than happy to present them all, here in this post for you!


Home shampoo bar

I wash my hair every 2 days and I do it only with a shampoo bar. From the moment I discovered the power of natural vegetable washing agents, I haven’t touched any regular shampoo.

What are the benefits of a shampoo bar? First and foremost, it’s equally effective as commercial shampoos, but it’s all-natural. It doesn’t contribute to hair dehydration, neither does it irritate scalp. What it does instead, it leaves hair perfectly clean. On the top of that, such product is 100% eco-friendly because it isn’t sold in plastic bottles. No packaging = no waste.

Naturally, you can buy a shampoo bar in a drugstore or pharmacy but since I’m a fan of DIY products, I do it myself.

Nanoil castor and argan oil

Actually these are two separate products that my hair care routine wouldn’t exist without. Nevertheless, I listed them together because… I use both of them together! They are my top natural hair oils that I use before hair washing. First I massage Nanoil Castor Oil to my scalp and then I follow with Nanoil Argan Oil to spread it over the hair length. Oh, I always damp my hair before putting on the oils.

Results? To me, natural oils launched by Nanoil are this year’s revelation! I can’t remember my hair being so stunning before. The oils:

  • grant adequate hydration
  • protect against environmental stressors
  • make strands soft and bouncy
  • soothe scalp irritations
  • prevent splitting ends
  • intensify shine and natural color of the tresses
  • combat uncontrolled hair thinning

Yves Rocher, Éclat Radiance Raspberry Rinsing Vinegar

Another hair care product that is placed high on my must-have list is this raspberry rinsing vinegar. In most cases I reach for the one launched by Yves Rocher but I think that each raspberry rinsing would work alike. Owing to acidic pH, this product closes the hair cuticles that tend to rise after shampooing. This ensures smoothness and intensive shine.

Actually, you don’t have to do much in order to forget about frizzy, static and ugly looking hair – just use this hair rinsing on a regular basis. This is one of the cosmetics that turned my hair care routine around.


Batiste dry shampoo

Obviously, my compilation wouldn’t be complete without a dry shampoo launched by a brand that is known for revolutionizing cosmetic marked with just one product. My totally fave dry shampoo by Batiste is a real life-saver. Always when I don’t have enough time to wash my hair in – let’s call it – a traditional way, I reach for Batiste dry shampoo. Application is easier than you think. Just spritz the dry shampoo over the hair roots, brush the hair and… you’re ready to go! Another good thing about using such life-saver is that it adds more volume to the hair, seriously! Batiste dry shampoo is totally irreplaceable!

Keratin hair mask by Nanoil

Since I treat my hair with natural oils on a regular basis, I can’t say that my strands are in a miserable condition. Actually, I consider my hair pretty healthy. Lucky me! Yet, once in a while I want to expose my tresses to some more intensive treatment, just to help it get/remain strong/er. Nanoil Keratin Hair Masks – a hair mask enriched with hydrolyzed keratin – serves this purpose just perfectly. And this is another cosmetic offered by my favorite brand – Nanoil.

Thanks to this keratin hair mask, I don’t have to occupy my head with a thought whether my strands look okay. I know – it just can be felt – that this hair mask doesn’t only deeply nourish hair but also it repairs micro-damage and makes hair preserve its good-looks and good health.

And this is how my list of beauty products that I can’t imagine my hair care without looks like. What are your top hair care products?

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