How to take care of your feet in the winter? A practical guidebook for people who are always cold


Woolen socks, warm shoes, thick tights. This and other factors make the winter a hard time for your feet. They sweat in insulated footwear, the skin breaks, you get sores and other unpleasant things. If you want to survive the winter and do not expose yourself to unnecessary imperfections, then check how your foot care should look like. Discover my practical guide for everyone who is always cold.

Remember about exfoliating scrubs

In the winter, the skin on the heels becomes very thick and rough. This is because we walk in warm and heavy boots that warm our feet; however, it sometimes happens that the feet are freezing or sweating heavily. How to take proper care of your feet in such conditions? Without a doubt, they deserve a nice bubble bath and then an exfoliating scrub. Once a week, dip your feet in warm water with the addition of oil, bath salts, oils or antiseptics. After a few minutes, remove the thickened epidermis with an electric file, pumice, or an exfoliating scrub. Remember that too strong and frequent exfoliation can end in pain and irritation, and even wounds. After the treatment, it is important to massage a rich moisturizing cream into feet and put on cotton socks.

Dry skin of the feet

To prevent your feet and nails from drying, regularly moisturize them and apply natural oils. Creams, masks, oils, sprays and special ointments will perform well in this role. They are to be applied in a small amount before bedtime, and their effects will be maintained 24 hours a day. Do not forget about the nails and cuticles around them. To moisten these parts of the feet, you can use a cream or special oil and conditioner applied in the form of a nail polish.

When the foot skin breaks

In the winter, the skin of the heels often breaks, wounds are formed and you feel unpleasant pain. In addition, the epidermis grows very quickly. To avoid such troubles, apply the cream and use delicate exfoliating preparations every evening. The oils of avocado and jojoba and the extract of sage will also work wonders. If you have a serious problem with heels skin cracking, use ointment with urea or cream with beeswax, paraffin and almond oil.

Excessive sweating of the feet

Insulated shoes and thick socks or tights cause excessive sweating of the feet. If you do not do anything about it, you can end up with serious dermatological illnesses. Therefore, before putting on your shoes and socks, use a deodorant or talc. Such products prevent excessive sweating, inhibit the multiplication of bacteria, neutralize unpleasant odors and have an antibacterial effect.

Pedicure in a beauty salon 

The fact that in the winter you hide your feet in warm footwear does not mean that you cannot have your heels and nails done. In the summer, we do pedicures for aesthetic reasons, and in the winter we should take care of our health. In a cosmetics or podiatry salon, you will get rid of corn, thickened cuticles, fingerprints and problems with nails. What’s more, the beautician will paint your nails the way you want.

At a beauty salon you can expect the following foot care treatments:

  • a short bath with the addition of antibacterial liquid;
  • cutting the nails, giving them the right shape, filing and smoothing out all irregularities;
  • removing the cuticles and the dead skin between the fingernail and the skin, smoothing out the area after cutting the cuticles;
  • milling the thickened epidermis by removing its excess from the heels, soles, and edges of the feet and toes;
  • sugar scrubs, which aims to smooth out the feet;
  • applying a cream and wrapping the feet with foil;
  • polishing nails preceded by degreasing the nail plate.

Homemade methods of foot care in the winter 

There is no need to go to a beauty salon several times a week to get your feet in shape. All you need to do is take a bath and exfoliate once in a while. You can prepare cosmetics for foot care in the comfort of your own home from the ingredients you keep in the kitchen. To prepare a bath, use chamomile infusion or milk, which you add to the bowl with warm water. Soaked your feet in it for several minutes and then exfoliate the skin. To make this cosmetic you will need:

  • coarse-grained salt – it breaks the horny epidermis and stimulates circulation;
  • olive oil – it will polish and nourish the skin;
  • essential oil, eg tea tree – this one provides antibacterial properties.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and rub in your feet. Remember to thoroughly massage the heels, nails, and cuticles around them. At the end of the treatment, use an oil-based cream and put on cotton socks. Your feet will be grateful for such care.

How do you take care of your feet in winter, girls? Do you have any proven ways to keep your feet in a good condition throughout the cold months? Please, let me know what you think in the commenst!

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