Back acne – How it develops and how to treat it?


You say acne and you think teenagers. The second association are pimples and blackheads appearing on face, frequently leaving discolourations or blemishes. However, it turns out that acne is a problem touching adults as well, and it often affects back skin area. If it wasn’t enough, back acne often takes rather painful and widespread forms. To make it even worse, it’s really hard to cure it and, more often than not, relapse occurs. If also you happen to be troubled with back acne, keep reading my newest text to find out what triggers this ailment and how to cure it.

Back acne – Learn all the causes

The causes of back acne are:

  • poor hygiene – wearing clothes made of unbreathable fabrics, too rare bra, towels and bedding changing. A considerable influence on acne appearance also have: skipping washing your back, using the sponges/brushes which surface is covered with bacteria;
  • improper body care – some shower gels and even a shampoo running down the back can disturb sebaceous glands work which, naturally, encourages acne appearance. Remember to precisely rinse off all hair washing products. The residues of the cosmetic might clog skin pores and cause skin inflammations;
  • hormonal problems – they can also cause facial acne. On the other hand, back acne can be encouraged by stopping using hormonal contraception even if you haven’t been affected by this skin ailment before the treatment;
  • poor eating habits – back acne is caused by: processed food, fast food, sugar. If you combine junk food with stressful lifestyle, you can take skin diseases for granted.

Back acne symptoms

You can recognize back acne by the same symptoms that are characteristic for facial acne. The symptoms include:

  • enlarged skin pores, comedones, inflammations;
  • painful, widespread and slow-to-heal pimples that leave blemishes;
  • skin lesions causing discomfort – pimples located on the same skin area where a bra touches skin are exposed to being scraped and irritated;
  • pain felt while sitting on a couch;
  • skin lesions affecting the upper part of back with the greatest number of sebaceous glands producing sebum which clogs skin pores.

Back acne VS diet

It can’t be denied, skin strongly reacts to what we eat. If you spot such dependence, perhaps it’s high time to take a closer look at what you consume. Among others, back acne is caused by: dairy products, sugar, salty snacks, alcohol and other stimulants. The symptoms of the disease can be reduced by some of the following: vegetables and fruit, fennel flower, linseed oil, evening-primroses oil, water, herbal tea.

Back acne – How to combat it using home methods?

Home remedies that help you deal with back acne are:

  • regular washing of towels and bedding at high temperature;
  • refraining from using sponges or other body washrags;
  • wearing clothes made of natural fabrics that are breathable;
  • frequent underwear washing and changing;
  • refraining from using mechanical scrubs to inflammations;
  • washing hair first to follow with body washing;
  • using products that deliver gentle action;
  • using astringent clay masks since they work anti-bacterial and cleanse skin;
  • wiping the back skin area with a tea oil;
  • giving back massage using specialistic tools;
  • avoiding solarium and excessive exposition to the sun.

How to treat back acne?

If your back acne happen to be widespread then the best thing you can do is arranging a doctor’s appointment. A dermatologist will prescribe you the right medications, both oral and topical. The specialist will also tell you which beauty procedures you can undergo. Finally, beauty procedures that make use of acids are recognized as the best ones to deal with inflammations, they smooth out blemishes and light up discolorations.

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