brow growth serum nanobrow

8 Must-Know Benefits of Nanobrow Eyebrow Serum!

Why I reached for an eyebrow serum? I used to have the thinnest brows that ever existed. Semi-permanent makeup (which I’m afraid of) seemed to be the only rescue. I started using Nanobrow and… check what’s happened! 😛

I gave Nanobrow a shot after scanning some reviews. I had run through a few blogs, asked a few friends. Nanobrow turned out to be the most efficient and effective eyebrow enhancer.

I bought it online and began the treatment right away (fine, not right away, I applied it for the first time before going to bed). It’s because the manufacturer recommends using Nanobrow before sleep (after makeup removal) so that the product can work while we are asleep.

My fears – caused by bad experience I’d had with previous brow enhancers – proved unfounded. The first application of this serum was completely effortless. When it comes Nanobrow, I simply took out the applicator brush, intuitively and effortlessly spread the serum and… that’s it.

When did the first results appear?

I watched my eyebrows carefully and I saw them getting shinier, stronger and more elastic after just a few days. Around the second week, I started spotting ‘serious’ effect but it’s impossible to give the exact time – my brows were getting fuller, darker and thicker gradually. Today, it’s the fourth week. I don’t feel I need to apply eyebrow makeup because mine look fabulous. To me, it really pays off!

I’m not going to convince you that Nanobrow is a worth-trying product. I’ll round up its pluses instead. And there’s a lot to talk about. I’ve chosen eight must-know Nanobrow benefits. Read on!

brow enhancing serum nanobrow


1. It’s the most effective eyebrow serum!

When it comes to Nanobrow, surveys carried out among consumers and specialists’ opinions are in sync. It is the best eyebrow serum designed for thin, short, sparse eyebrows. It works the strongest and apart from upgrading the looks of brows, it keeps them healthy (strengthens, regenerates, nourishes, moisturises).

2. It features brilliant composition of ingredients!

The action of Nanobrow is the result of combining the finest-quality components. Even though the serum has just few of them, they come in ideal combinations and proportions, making the product work effectively. The ingredients include various types of herbal extracts and growth-stimulating substances:

  • arginine to moisturize and make eyebrows fuller
  • panthenol to add elasticity, smooth out and boost shine
  • ginseng extract to revitalize and repair
  • soy and wheat extracts to stimulate faster growth
  • baicalein to keep eyebrows from falling out
  • other ingredients to repair and give brows a boost for growth

3. It is cruelty-free!

Nanobrow serum will appeal to vegans because it is free from animal-derived ingredients and it hasn’t been tested on animals either. To me, it’s one of the biggest benefits of this serum.

4. It is extremely easy to use!

As I’ve already mentioned, it’s simply impossible not to know how to use Nanobrow. The product has a small and very precise applicator. The sponge scoops the amount which covers the brows yet it doesn’t run down. Makeup removal is the only thing you must do before application but it’s not a problem at all.

5. It is instantly absorbed, which is a huge plus!

Nanobrow is a pretty runny serum so it’s absorbed in the blink. After a few seconds, it looks like there’s nothing there – no glistening, sticking, brows aren’t wet. Even though it looks like there’s nothing happening, there’s lots going on inside! Nanobrow works from within.

6. It works after just 2 weeks!

I’ve experienced the fast way Nanobrow works on my own brows. No other eyebrow serum turns brows around in such a short period of time. Generally, you must wait much longer. Here, eyebrows get volume, color boost and thickening effect after only 2 weeks.

7. You can buy it at a competitive price!

When it comes to the price, it’s not so clear as it depends on your point of view. For some people, Nanobrow is too pricey. To me, the price is adequate to the effect the product gives. We pay for the quality, quick results and efficiency. What’s more, when you get it on a special offer e.g. Black Friday (as I did), you can pay much less and reduce the ‘beauty’ expenses.

eyebrow growth products

8. You can get home delivery!

Nanobrow can be ordered online via the official webpage ( and delivered by a courier to your door. I got the product delivered already on the next day but I guess it depends on when you place an order (the time of the day) and the distance the courier must go to reach you. If you’re not big on going to stores either, you’re gonna love this option.

I hope I’ve convinced you that Nanobrow is the best!

21 Comments “8 Must-Know Benefits of Nanobrow Eyebrow Serum!”

  1. Gunpoint

    Come on, I knew some of those things, haha! 😉 But you got me pretty surprised at the fact that Nanobrow was not tested on animals. Did not know that and that’s a HUGE plus!

  2. Angie O

    I would add another thing, that Nanobrow works so good that it will bring you to your knees. Seriously, such a beautiful briws I could never imagine. When I compared the before after photos I thought I will fall of my chair. 😀

  3. Flower

    I wouldn’t go that far with all the price being affordable. Cheaper ones exist.

  4. TalkingTooMuch

    Can you tell some more on the effects? How fast have you seen one for yourself and what sort?

    • julie.1998

      She said in the review that it was after a few days that brows were stronger and after 2 weeks were denser and thicker… Understand what you read people

  5. Lady in Red

    I have Nanobrow too. My mind was set on another beauty flop because I invested in Revitabrow and i regreted it. I took a risk with Nanobrow cause its cheaper. And no regrets! That’s the staff! <3

    • CaramelLOVE

      Revitabrow is good for nothing, confirmed :/

  6. Nathalie

    for a week now I want to buy it and now look at that, your review appears – just about time cause you made my decision this much easier :):)

    • SandraX

      Nathalie, let us know once you start testing it and whether it helped

  7. Bernadette B.

    THANK YOU FOR THIS REVIEW! I have weak and sparse brows. More like had because now they no longer fall out and started to become thicker. Thanks to Nanobrow that I got after reading your post :**

  8. Blue Velvet

    I scared of permanent brow makeup too, what if something goes wrong, I would be stuck with them for a few years. I’ll definetely try Nanobrow.

  9. Katty27

    Confirmed-nanobrow is the most efficient and most effective serum

  10. Mona

    Effects in 4 weeks, great, the fastest I heard of. So glad that I came accross your review, it helped me choose good brow serum, thanks!

  11. Joanna Cooper

    After Nanobrow I had results in 2 weeks!!!!!

  12. Pola

    nanobrow works the most and takes care of hairs. My brows were so sparse yet nanobrow made them brilliantly strong. Just awesome, money well spent.

  13. JulesWu

    great product, even greater it wasn’t tested on animals, the composition is perfect, I was looking for something like this to provide this natural care to my brows. Cool thing! Cheers!

  14. qwe

    I love online shopping cause it saves so much of my time, not like in the drugstore where there usually is not what I was looking for, all sold out or somethin. Its great Nanobrow can be bought online.

  15. Teddy

    I saved some money by buying it with my friends from school, there was like 10 of us 🙂 the cost was way lower 🙂 the delivery was super fast and that I can confirm too. Now we all wait for the effects, there is so many people testing it right now that you will definetely be hearing from me again, regards.

    • ReginaRegina

      Teddy, that was one hell of a great idea, do let us know how are your brows after the tratment. Regards for you too.

  16. Daisy

    Two weeks and beautiful brows? Sounds like a dream, it would be great if it actually happened!

    • LittleMe

      Works mega fast for me, brows are nourished and grow back nicely, are super thick and beautiful, heartly recommend it, works 100 %.


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