Skin detox – facts and myths. Is body and face cleansing really necessary?


Detox has become quite popular recently. We like to cleanse not just our body but also soul, and lately, even the skin and the hair. We don’t want to have anything to do with any unhealthy substances and prefer to surround ourselves with natural ingredients and live according to eco-friendly principles. But do we really need detox? Let’s check what are the facts and myths about cleansing the body of toxins.

What’s detox?

Detox is based on getting rid of toxins, poisons and unhealthy substances present in the human body. Diet and cosmetic treatments are good methods for detoxification. Looking through the prism of the latter way, toxins are harmful substances found in food products, medicines or cosmetics. Our body is constantly exposed to their negative effects, accumulating in cells and the inability to effectively use them. These toxins include: drugs, medicine, natural poisons, and environmental pollution. They get into the body through: inhalation, consumption, and contact with the skin, which can cause poisoning and lead to disorders in the functioning of the body.

How is our body cleansed?

The human body is purified at two levels: excretion and regulation of water balance and mineral salts. Excretion is a physiological process by which the body is purified of unnecessary and harmful substances (water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen compounds and poisons that I have mentioned earlier). Our body is purified through:

  • urinary system – the kidneys produce urine containing water, ions of various elements, uric acid, unnecessary metabolic products, and substances present in the blood in a concentration higher than the norm;
  • respiratory system – a by-product in the process of breathing is carbon dioxide, which is excreted through the lungs outside the body;
  • digestive system – excretion of leftover food that could not be digested and absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin – as the largest organ of the human body supports cleansing the body through the excretion of sweat, urea and aromatic substances.

Detox in cosmetology 

The name detox in cosmetology refers to the use of such cosmetics and undergoing treatments that help detoxify the body through the skin. These products are rich in special substances: sea salt, algae, aloe vera, arnica, ginkgo, witch hazel, yeast, antioxidants (vitamin C and E), peat, coal. According to the research, these components together with the structure of the skin and the mechanisms of its operation, cooperate very well. Thus, they keep the skin in good condition and support its natural functions.

How do the body detoxifying treatments work? They use products that contain the previously-mentioned ingredients and work in the manner described above. The simplest detoxifying procedure is to make the body sweat and excrete toxins along with it. For this purpose, a heated electric blanket or SPA capsules with the function of a steam sauna or an infrared sauna are best to use. Higher sweat production begins after three minutes and the maximum level is reached after 10 minutes. The loss of water during one session can be up to 2 liters. Secreted sweat contains: sodium, potassium, chlorine, uric acid, urea and other substances derived from metabolism. In addition, heat positively affects blood vessels, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes.

YES or NO to detox?

Nowadays, more and more beauty salons and SPA centers offer full body detox. The clients’ attention is mostly gained through the cosmetic used for the treatment. To be honest, some may sound very enigmatic. The beauty salon staff members will, of course, make sure that the detoxifying treatment provides the skin with a radiant appearance and instant mood improvement. Would you give such detoxifying procedure a try?

Have you ever detoxified your body? How do you do it? Share your experience in the comments!

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