Simplest and foolproof ways for healthy hair. My evening hair routine

Hair care… what a broad subject it is! 

You ask me a lot about it, and I have nothing against describing you, for a few hours, how I take care of my hair. I like doing it because it’s kinda unwinding when I can take some time to pamper my hair by letting a plant oil sit on my strands a little bit longer, or when I can massage my scalp slowly without anything rushing me.

And this is exactly what today’s post is going to be about. About my evening hair routine, dedicated for those who have a little bit more time at their disposal before going to bed.

Why the evening routine?

Does the time of the day matter? What’s the difference between putting on a hair mask in the morning or evening? Surprisingly, the difference is fundamental! Far better results are given by evening hair routine, and there are a few reasons proving that:

  • In general it’s easier to find some free time in the evening, right before going to bed, rather than in the morning when you’re already hurrying to work, school or university.
  • Human hair carries out its repair processes at night, when you sleep, therefore evening hair routine is more effective than its morning alternative.

What exactly is a hair routine?

I could describe it as repetitiveness, and hair likes repetitiveness. Hair feels good when you expose it to the tried and tested cosmetics, when you keep supplying the strands with the equal portions of nutrients delivered on the regular time intervals. What I want to say is that you shouldn’t expect any hair improvement if you apply a hair mask once in a while, even though you would slather the hair with it. It’s definitely better to use a hair mask regularly, e.g. every week, because this is how you will get the results you want to achieve.

I make my best effort to keep my hair routine running smoothly without any disturbance, and I truly believe this is what I owe my good-looking and healthy hair to. My strands look better when they are continuously nourished, moisturized and protected.

How to take good care of hair. My hair routine

Let me begin with telling you that the tips I’m going to list in a moment aren’t some kind of an universal hair routine that would work for everyone. Give it a try but don’t be sad if my today’s pieces of advice won’t give you the desired results. Your hair may need something else.

My evening hair routine (carried out more or less every 3rd day):

  1. In an hour before shampooing, I comb my hair and rub into the scalp an oil blend: castor (it makes my hair thicker) and argan.
  2. I wash my hair with a shampoo bar, always twice. I’ve got a feeling that it’s impossible to clean my hair if I shampoo it just once, therefore I always do this twice. After a few moments of lathering I rinse the shampoo with warm water to open the cuticles and make the hair ready for my favorite part: a deep treatment.
  3. Normally I apply an argan hair mask for hydration. I let it do its thing for 15 minutes and rinse it out. But twice a month I indulge myself with something better: I warm up argan oil, combine it with honey and apply to the hair for deep nourishment and resistance boost. I let it sit from 15 up to 30 minutes.
  4. Finally, I rinse the hair once more, this time using lukewarm water to smooth out cuticles. From time to time I apply a few drops of liquid silk to the tips to make combing easier, and for smoother hair of course.
  5. Oh, and the most important! I let my hair air dry, but sometimes I use a hair dryer for a couple of minutes just to help it dry faster when I want to go to sleep but it’s still wet.

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