Hi girls! Today you’re going to read why my hair became dry, used to fall out in an uncontrolled way, and my scalp was covered with dandruff. Probably you think that it was due to the poorly-chosen cosmetics I applied or because of a disease I suffered from. You couldn’t be further from the truth. The blame has to be put on my… blow-dryer. If your hair also looks similar,[…]

Hello!  Detox has become quite popular recently. We like to cleanse not just our body but also soul, and lately, even the skin and the hair. We don’t want to have anything to do with any unhealthy substances and prefer to surround ourselves with natural ingredients and live according to eco-friendly principles. But do we really need detox? Let’s check what are the facts and myths about cleansing the body of[…]

Dry skin can be described as thin and sensitive, and, at the same time, not elastic enough. It contains little water, hence the sudden appearance of wrinkles. For that reason it ages faster than other skin types. In most cases these are blonde women with pale complexion as well as women after 40 whose skin is categorised as dry. Dry skin is very sensitive to the action delivered by cosmetics,[…]

Hey, have you ever thought about the water you use for a hair wash? I guess, you haven’t. It doesn’t matter, right? Actually, it does! Hard water harms your hair! Too many minerals don’t have a good influence on hair condition. They settle on hair surface and penetrate inside through cuticles. Effect? Coarse, brittle, dull, stiff, tangled hair. I used to know (literally) nothing about how hard water affects hair.[…]

Hi Girls! Do you know what natural oils are best for? If not, then today’s post is just for you! You will find out what conditioning properties they have. I hope I’ll manage to convince you that natural care is best and effective! I have been using oils for several months – I like applying them to my hair, face, hands, nails, and even eyelashes. I replaced most of my cosmetics[…]

Hey! I don’t know your preferences, but my favourite skin beautifying treatment is the application of scrub. Removing dead epidermis cells is an incredible way of improving skin condition, doing massage and making yourself relaxed. I love homemade body scrubs because I can create them either from what I currently have in my cupboards or what is growing in my garden. However, I adore salt and sugar body scrubs the[…]

Hawaiian pizza is a controversial meal — for ones, it is super delicious and to others, it is an unsuccessful combination to say the least. Pizza Hut, a brand of my favourite pizza restaurants, just released for the very first group of people the protective lip balm with smell and taste of pineapple pizza. Is it a good idea? Are you up for it? Protective lips balms in all sorts[…]

It is common fact that each season focuses on promoting something new, interesting and something that will compel you. At the beginning, it is only the seasonal trend, but it happens that it becomes timeless and makes a part of the history, or just stays with us for few following seasons. Many make-up ideas and others we just adapt creating our own style – and that is what I’m taking[…]