How to deal with tangled hair? Easy and proven methods

Hello girls!

Today you’re going to read about… tangles. I bet a lot of you have the problem with the matted strands. Hair washing, hiding your head under a scarf and even combing can cause tangles. Therefore, today I’m going to describe a few simple ways to combat this problem so as you can avoid such unpleasant surprises. Enjoy the reading!

1st method: a small, low-set pony tail located just above the neck

If you like wearing the hair loose then you should gather a selection of hair that is located under the upper hair and set it into a small pony tail right above the neck. This will prevent the strands from tangling. The truth is, hair gets static when rubbed against a scarf, collar or other items of winter clothing. Moreover, if hair is dry and has its cuticles open, it’s easy for the strands to hook one another and tangle. For that reason, use a tiny rubber hair band in order to make the small pony tail invisible under the part of the hair that is loose.

2nd method: proper hair washing

If you wash the hair bending over the bath and massaging the scalp fast, don’t be surprised that it gets tangled; this is the very moment when tangles come into life. All you have to do is massaging your scalp yet delicately. Thanks to this, your hair won’t tangle, you’ll provide the scalp with better blood circulation, and simply relax. If you really want to avoid tangles, wash hair while taking a shower. A shampoo will cleanse the strands at their roots as a part of it will run down the hair making the entire length of strands perfectly clean.

3rd method: limit detergents

If your hair is easy to tangle after every washing, limit or completely avoid the products that contain detergents in their composition. Most likely this is the high concentration of such substances that encourages tangles. Don’t you want to resign from using the cleansing shampoos? Dissolve such cosmetics in water and the detergent the product features should become more gentle.

4th method: masks, conditioners and serums

Such cosmetics prevent tangling of hair. Thanks to them strands become smooth, shiny and well-moistened. Hair cuticles close and finally stop hooking one another. Hair masks, conditioners and serums can be applied both before after hair washing. Remember to make the cosmetics rubbed into the strands precisely and then remove them from the hair surface.

5th method: a sateen pillow

This is a perfect solution for those girls who like sleeping long and want to look pretty right after waking up and getting out of bed. If you put your pillow into a sateen pillowcase, your hair will stop tangling that much. This sleek surface of the pillowcase limits tangles.

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