Where do I store my cosmetics?

Hi, Girls!

Proper storage of cosmetics is very important. Why? To the least due to their quality, expiry date and our safety. If you want your lipsticks, foundations and cleansing milk to serve you as long as they can, find them appropriate place. Check out where I store my make-up and skin care products.

Can you keep your cosmetics in the fridge?

It is quite a good place for your cosmetics to be stored in. The products you can keep here are a lipstick, a nail polish, a perfume and an eye cream. You can place these in the fruits and vegetable container because there the temperature is closest to zero. Do you know that in some beauty salons and spas are small fridges designated for perfume? Thanks to this device, fragrance can preserve its freshness and colour for longer. What are the benefits of storing eye cream in the fridge? Cooled cosmetic is able to faster lighten dark under-eye circles and smoother bags. Next to the vegetables and fruits place also mascara, eyeliner and other cosmetics that are subjected to drying quickly. Before you use them, just warm the packaging up in hands. In the fridge place also balms, foundations and face masks. Cooled down will work much better.

Which cosmetics shouldn’t you keep in the fridge?

These are products that you should never store in the fridge. To this group belong cosmetics with oils and silicone in the composition. The low temperature will cause them to solidify. Constant freezing it and warming it up could be harmful to the products and as a result, can cost you irritations.

Photosensitive cosmetics

Photo-sensitivity is yet another factor you need to take into consideration when choosing a place for your cosmetics. Sunlight or artificial lighting is harmful to components in make-up and skin care products. It is enough you place them in a cabinet, a box or pour into a dark glass container.
Where do you keep your cosmetics?

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