Let’s Cover Enlarged Skin Pores & Choose Best Products!


Almost every girl has skin problems. Only some of us can boast about a truly beautiful and healthy complexion. Most girls struggle with open pores – tiny holes through which the skin breathes. Enlarged pores look unaesthetic and when they clog, they spoil the mood. In some cases, they lead to inflammation and acne breakouts. How to handle the problem?

First of all – Take Care of Your Complexion

If you are bothered by large pores, put your mind to purifying the skin. Go for deeply cleansing products, free from alcohols and drying acids. Wipe the skin with moisturising micellar water twice a day. Use a face cleansing brush every few days; choose sonic or electronic ones that have soft bristles. During the treatment, a facial gel for enlarged pores will be useful. Do not forget about scrubs! Regular exfoliating of dead skin cells helps cleanse pores and make them less visible. Doing professional exfoliation treatments at a beauty salon is a great idea. The things you must avoid when you have open skin pores – steam facials, tanning in sunbeds and in the open air. Due to high temperatures, skin pores are even larger. In some cases, the epidermis can get damaged.

Second of all – Cosmetics to be Avoided

Enlarged pores are easily clogged which may cause acne. If you want to reduce the risk of such irritations, avoid heavy foundations, makeup primers, illuminating cosmetics, shimmering products, compact and fluid powders. Foundations and primers clog skin pores. Together with sebum, dead skin cells and dust, they create layers of dirt. This is how pimples, blackheads and other blemishes come into being. Illuminating and shimmery cosmetics emphasize the skin imperfections, also pores. They enhance your face flaws. Compact and fluid powders work the same.

Thirdly – Pick Suitable Products

Mineral powder is the best for skin with large pores. It is composed of natural ingredients, delivers good coverage, evens out skin tone and dries pimples. Among mineral products, you will also find foundations that are great at camouflaging skin blemishes. Instead of makeup bases, use light creams dedicated for skin with enlarged pores.

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