Inexpensive yet effective way for smooth complexion

Hello, lovelies! 

I am sure that all of you have already heard about castor oil and its incredible properties – its influence on the lash growth, how it thickens the hair, enhances hair growth etc. As you all know, natural oils are amazing cosmetics and I am a huge fan of hair oil treatment. I was amazed how it changed and improved the condition of my strands in a short period of time. However, this time, I decided to test what benefits it will bring when applied to my face. Let’s get started!

How to use castor oil in face care?

I always start my face treatments with thorough makeup removal. Then, I rub a small amount of oil in the palms of my hands to warm it up lightly. You must remember that castor oil has a very thick consistency so it is best to dab it in the skin. The eye area is a very delicate part of the face so dab it gently with my fingertips. The downside fo using this oil, in general, is that it is very sticky and absorbs slowly. In the morning, I wipe any remaining oil off the face with a cotton pad soaked in micellar water. Next, I like to dry my face with a cotton cloth and apply a day moisturising cream.

Castor oil – effects in face care 

After a month of regular use of castor oil, my complexion has become smoother than ever. Any minor discolourations disappeared, and the scar on my cheek became less visible. I finally have the feeling of a well-moisturized skin. What’s important, castor oil does not clog pores and I noticed that the face look…cleaner! It’s probably due to the fact that the oil is the base oil of every OCM oil blend (Oil Cleansing Method). In addition, I can see that the fine lines around my eyes have been smoothed out! This is probably due to the fact that the skin in this area is finally well moisturized. I am very happy with the effects and I am not going to replace this oil 🙂

Are you tempted to try out castor oil in your daily skin care? Do you have your favourite natural oil that you apply to your face? Please, share your experience in the comment section! I’d love to hear your opinions! 

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