Hyaluronic Acid Fillers. What Are the Procedure & Results?

Radiant, flawless face skin without the tiniest line or imperfection? Youthful and natural look? Why not?! You can get it thanks to hyaluronic acid injections. This very substance is getting more common in beauty clinics. The effects go beyond expectations. If you’ve always been dreaming of beautiful face skin, read my post and check hyaluronic acid benefits for your skin.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally occurring in human body. It is found in skin, the walls of blood vessels, connective tissue, joints and umbilical cord. Together with elastin and collagen, it is responsible for skin firmness and smoothness. Due to strong moisturising properties, it ensures the proper work of eyes and joints.

Besides, it is used in aesthetic medicine, ophthalmology, gynecology, orthopedics, proctology and otorhinolaryngology. Too bad, when years pass, the amount of hyaluronic acid drops in human body. To prevent negative results of this process, you can treat yourself to injections with this substance.

Hyaluronic acid for face skin – treatment benefits

Hyaluronic acid face skin injections deliver very good results. The benefits include:

  • smoother scars and fine lines,
  • enhanced face shape,
  • plump cheeks,
  • skin firmness, nourishment and hydration.

Hyaluronic acid injection – procedure

If you want to try a hyaluronic acid injection you must make an appointment in a professional aesthetic medicine clinic. Remember that an experienced doctor should carry out the treatment. What does it look like? It comes in a few stages.

A doctor’s interview is the first stage. During a conversation, the treatment’s range and desired effects are discussed with a patient. The second stage involves applying anesthesia to skin, a cream that soothes pain during the procedure. While the treatment goes, the doctor can give another dose of anesthesia. Another stage involves introducing gel hyaluronic acid under skin with a special needle. The doctor has to use a proper technique because the success, results and potential side effects depend on that. The last step focuses on gentle massage of skin to spread the acid evenly.

Hyaluronic acid injection takes from 30 to 90 minutes and doesn’t need recuperation. Immediately after the treatment, slight redness and swelling may occur which should ease off after a few days. The final result will be visible after two weeks; it may last from 6 months to a year and a half. If effects wear off, you can repeat the treatment.

Are hyaluronic acid injections safe?

Hyaluronic acid injection is safe provided it is carried out properly with the use of original products and preformed by an experienced doctor. To tell you the truth, a lot depends on the technique and knowledge of a person doing the injection and a patient’s tolerance to a given substance. If the procedure goes wrong, you can experience serious adverse effects. So, before going for the injection, read other people’s opinions, check the offer of a few clinics or make an initial appointment to ask the doctor about the details.

Hyaluronic acid injections – contraindications

Regrettably, not each of us can give a hyaluronic acid injection a shot. The contraindications include:

  • active cold sore,
  • pregnancy and nursing,
  • skin inflammation such as acne,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • sensitivity to hyaluronic acid,
  • proneness to scars,
  • cancer.

Hyaluronic acid in a diet & beauty products

The hyaluronic acid injection is one of the many ways to get a youthful-looking skin. It is possible to deliver hyaluronic acid to your body with a diet and cosmetics. Your daily menu should feature fresh fruit and vegetables, fat fish (sardines, salmon, herring, tuna), vegetable oils (rapeseed oil, flaxseed oil, hazelnut oil). Also, remember to regularly hydrate your body by drinking around one liter of mineral water.

You can also provide hyaluronic acid during everyday beauty care routine. Just make sure that products are rich in triple hyaluronic acid. That’s the only form that can penetrate deeper skin layers and ensure proper care. Together with hyaluronic acid products, use collagen and elastin-infused cosmetics. Their action will definitely improve the appearance and condition of skin.

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