How to Get Rid of Face Skin Pigmentation Spots? Causes & Game-Changing Treatments


Discolored skin bothers lots of girls. Spots have different colours and shapes as well as the causes. Luckily, the modern cosmetology knows simple methods for getting rid of these unsightly spots. What do I mean? Read the text and enjoy a beautiful face!

Face Skin Discoloration – Causes

There are lots of causes of this skin problem e.g. genes. There are other factors, including:

  • the action of the sunlight;
  • individual susceptibility;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy, menopause, contraceptives, hormone medication;
  • thyroid illnesses, liver diseases, diabetes;
  • acne, pimples.

Face skin discolouration – types

Red and brown spots are most common. Women are mostly affected by them due to the hormone imbalance. Brown patches are known as chloasma – vast, yellowish and brownish spots located on the forehead, cheeks, jaw and upper lips. These spots are quite easy to remove. Discoloration is very common after a successful acne treatment. It’s usually caused by long sunbaths, wrong skin care, lack of antibiotic treatment, treating acne without the doctor’s assistance.

How to remove pigmentation spots?

You can choose between two options: home or aesthetic medicine treatments. Microdermabrasion, laser, exfoliation, cryotherapy, mesotherapy will hands down do away with the pigmentation spots. At home, go for whitening cosmetics, chemist ointments, products with a low concentration of acids. Try home microdermabrasion and red light devices.

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