How Can You Enhance Sheet Mask Effects?

Hi, there!

Let’s focus on sheet masks today. They are easy to use, deliver stunning effects and contain lots of valuable ingredients. Do you know you can enhance their action? Read the post to check how…

Prepare your facial skin

Make-up removal, cleaning and exfoliating are three must-do steps before applying a mask. To be honest, you should follow the steps every evening before sleep or using a regular cream. Taking make-up off, purifying and exfoliating your skin are going to speed up the absorption of the mask’s nutrients, boost hydration and provide skin with full care.

Extra cosmetics

They surely upgrade the action of the sheet mask. Use a toner or serum (rich in vitamins and micronutrients) and let them absorb before applying the mask. The effects will be mind-blowing! Your skin will receive a larger boost of nutrients.

Don’t forget about the essence

Sometimes, when you take the mask out of the packaging, there’s a bit of the essence left. Don’t throw it away; the essence has the same ingredients as the mask. Apply it to facial, neck or chest skin. Feel free to use it as the base for the mask, instead of a toner or serum. If you don’t feel like using the essence immediately, pour it into a small jar and use whenever you want.

Choose the right mask

Similarly to other beauty products, sheet masks and their components must go with your skin type. This is the only way to gift your skin with moisture, nutrition, smoothness and soothed inflammation. Before buying a sheet mask, check the list of ingredients and think if it’s going to take care of your skin.

You can use a sheet mask once

Sheet masks are one-off. You can’t reuse them. After the first application, they no longer have any nutrients and become nothing more than just dry pieces of cotton; surely they won’t bring any good. Hygiene and sterility are the most important while using sheet masks.

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