Top-Notch Hand Care: Best Treatments to Remedy Dry Skin

Hi! Today’s post focuses on hands. If you want to build good habits, I’m sharing some tips for keeping the skin on the hands flawless.

Our hands serve us every single day making plenty of activities easier or even possible! So, it seems obvious that we should give them decent care, especially when we need to disinfect them often. When you meet someone, you shake hands so it’s surely good to keep them nice. Due to the negative effect of outside aggressors, the skin rapidly loses the smooth feel and hydration.

Lovely hands

Our hands reflect our health condition, profession and even personality. They even give our age away! Hands down, they need special care, non stop! Remember about a couple of things that will help you build good habits, which will let you enjoy flawless hands!

What to use for hand washing?

If your hands are irritated and dry, don’t reach out for a regular soap. You should invest in hypoallergenic emulsions that secure the skin against irritations. Don’t use any harsh cleansers, ideally always apply a hand lotion after washing. It’s going to secure your dry, sensitive skin.

Choose products free from irritants e.g. gentle gels (it’s best if they have a basic or acidic pH). Are you a fan of soap bars? Pick scentless and mild ones.

Hand care

Delicate, sensitive skin is constantly exposed to the effect of detergents so it surely deserves our attention. After every wash, hydrate the skin to head off extremely dry skin. Don’t forget to regularly remove dead cells, freshen up and smooth the skin on the hands.


A fine-grained scrub powerfully beautifies the hands. The good news is you can make it yourself.

Make sure it’s milder than your body scrub. A blend of sugar and olive oil works well (apply it on damp, clean hands). With this scrub, you can banish dead skin cells, hydrating and nourishing the skin at the same time. Use gentle, circular motions. Repeat the treatment once in two week. If you do it more often, you won’t achieve the desired effect because you will damage the external protective layer on the skin.


Nettle hand bath is going to repair and protect the skin on your hands because this herb is a rich source of vitamin C. Prepare the infusion; once it cools down, rub it in the hands.

Olive oil and egg yolk

Prepare a paste by mixing three spoons of warm olive oil and an egg yolk. Smooth it over the hands, wrap a towel and foil around them. Olive oil delivers nutrients such as fatty acids and vitamin E, plus it has an antiaging and hydrating effect. Egg yolk, on the other hand, contains zinc and vitamin A which secure and revive the skin.


Boil two potatoes and mash them with a fork. Mix them with an egg yolk and add a few spoons of warm mlk. Apply the mixture on hands, wrap them with a foil and rinse after 15 minutes. After that, use a moisturizing cream. Potatoes provide the skin with protein, starch and other nutrients. You get an extra antiaging and brightening effect thanks to vitamin C found in potatoes.

Olives and almonds

Choose a body care oil or pure olive oil. Add a spoon of sugar and ground almonds (make sure they are finely ground to avoid skin irritations). Lemon juice is essential too. Prepare a scrub and rub it into the hands for a few minutes. Next, use a hand lotion. Repeat the treatment once a week.

Always have a hand lotion on you!

You can’t do without a lotion. It should be a must-have in your bag. Remember to use it repeatedly during the day. Water disturbs the balance of the skin. Use products that will nourish and hydrate your skin. You can pick a cream rich in urea and hyaluronic acid to intensify the hydrating effect.

Contrary to appearances, finding a good hand lotion isn’t that easy. If you’re having some skin problems, it’s best to consult a skin doctor and choose professional creams that don’t cause allergic reactions.

Protection matters the most

Use gloves while cleaning the house and in the cold weather. Remember to secure the hands and avoid exposing them to the negative effect of detergents and physical damage. Whenever you exercise or ride a bike, remember to keep the hands safe!

Protecting the skin is essential to keep the hands flawless. Treat them gently and regularly apply a nourishing lotion. The skin on the hands is demanding but we fail to give it enough care.

Keep your hands neat and healthy-looking. Don’t let them suffer. Above all else, REGULARITY matters. As you can see, hand care isn’t that hard – you just need to build good habits. Caring for the hands will quickly become an inseparable element of your daily routine. Good luck!

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