Homemade Face Mask Ingredients from the Kitchen!


Grab some DIY recipes! I share ideas for making use of some ingredients and creating homemade facial masks. You don’t need to go to the beauty supply store. You’ve got all you need in your kitchen!

DIY Facial Masks Based on Natural Ingredients

All ingredients that come from nature are good for our skin. The fewer the preservatives, silicones, parabens or synthetics, the more benefits for our complexion. I recommend using homemade face masks as often as possible. When you make them using ingredients from the kitchen, you get a mild and miracle-working treatment which is easy on the pocket. We all like budget cosmetics, don’t we?

Essential ingredient in a face mask: OIL

I can’t imagine a face mask without oil. Naturally, you can choose the one you’ve got for cooking. Sunflower oil, grapeseed oil and olive oil are brilliant. I prefer oils made for beauty purposes, though. They contain more nutrients because they are unrefined and always produced through cold pressing.

Argan, jojoba, almond and macadamia oils are my favorites but I do reach for other oils from time to time. Castor oil is in my DIY mask whenever I spot some breakouts on the face. Avocado oil (rich in seven vitamins!) comes useful when I feel my skin needs nourishing. Raspberry oil comes to rescue when I notice some new fine lines with horror. There are over 100 oils for beauty uses so everyone will find the right one for sure.

What to use as a base ingredient of a mask instead of oils?

Oils are good base ingredients but obviously you can treat them merely as addition to enrich your blend, and use other substances as the base. What to try then? I like to use:

  • plain yoghurt which soothes irritated skin e.g. after sunbathing.
  • aloe vera gel which intensively moisturises and adds smoothness.
  • flax seed gel (recipe below) which moisturizes and soothes the complexion.
  • vegetable or fruit pulp (e.g. avocado or banana).


Pour half cup of water over two spoons of flax seeds. Put them aside for a few hours, ideally the entire night. Strain the seeds. The gel is ready to use!

Homemade Face Mask Ingredients from the Kitchen

Apart from oils, flax seeds or yoghurt, there are other ingredients in our kitchen that are great to add to game-changing DIY face masks. See a list of beneficial products to try. What to enrich your masks with and what benefits can you expect?

  1. Honey is one of the best natural humectants which remarkably improves moisture levels and additionally makes face smoother.
  2. Lemon juice abounds in vitamin C, and brightens pigmentation spots, bringing even skin tone and radiance back.
  3. Avocado – ripe avocado mashed with a fork and added to your mask guarantees a nourishing effect and supply of beneficial omega fatty acids that the skin needs.
  4. Rolled oats act like a natural face exfoliant but also deliver essential vitamins and minerals.
  5. Turmeric has an intense yellow color but it doesn’t stain the face; instead it remarkably banishes imperfections and stimulates microcirculation.

As you can see, you don’t need to spend a fortune to get a face mask that really helps get rid of skin problems. Why don’t you create your own recipes and experiment? Remember that the ingredients I mentioned aren’t the only ones you can make use of.

Take care!

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