How do I take care of my combination skin – homemade methods

Hello girls! 

Those of you who have combination skin are probably aware of how moody the complexion is. The T zone (forehead, nose, and chin) is oily while the temples and cheeks are often dry or even irritated. In the summer I do not feel it too much, but in autumn and winter – my cheeks suffer through the dry air from the radiators. Air-conditioned rooms also do not really serve my complexion. Not only does it “shine” in the middle part, it also has redness and pain on the cheeks.

Until recently, I only used drugstore creams, intended for combination skin, but unfortunately, they did not calm my face – after a few hours, I had a shiny nose and red cheeks all over again. I realized that such a capricious type of complexion needs more than just mattifying-moisturizing cream. Because I am a fan of natural cosmetics, or any homemade masks – I tested a whole lot of them. Today I know which ones work best in care and what to provide your skin with, in order to maintain its great looks and condition. If you also struggle with combination type of skin – I’m sure you will be interested! Let’s get started!

First of all, before you start introducing new skin care methods – check whether the old ones are not too invasive: overdrying creams or face wash gels mattify the T zone, but can also irritate other parts of the face. Also, remember that the skin produces sebum for protective purposes – and by washing the face with a drying gel, we force it to do so ourselves. In addition, excessively dry skin ages faster. How to take care of mixed skin the right way? Here are the ways that worked best on my face.

How to take care of combination skin – natural face oils 

Because of the fact that most of the creams did not work on my face – I was looking for something that would not only regulate the sebum secretion but also moisturize and protect its dry areas. I have looked through the “entire Internet” for this purpose 🙂 Yes I found a wonderful ingredient, ie squalene – a substance that is a part of human sebum and has amazing properties – applied on the face immediately “recognizes” dry and oily parts and balances seborrhea: minimizes its excess, and provides sebum where it is needed. This way, squalene not only suppresses greasiness in the T zone but also moisturizes, gently oils, protects and soothes dry parts of the face.

Okay, but where to look for it? It turns out that natural oils, and in particular jojoba oil: unrefined, cold pressed, cleansed, are a wealth of this miraculous substance. Jojoba is ideal for combination skin care. Of course, the effects will not appear after the first application – you must use the oil regularly for a long time – in my case, improvement in the condition of the skin was visible after about 4 weeks.

How to take care of combination skin – homemade face masks

1. Apple face mask for combination skin

This is one of my favorite masks, because it is extremely easy to make, and an apple is always at home, at hand 🙂 You can grind the apple and put on your face for about 20 minutes, but it will be even better if you combine it with natural yogurt, which will perfectly acidify the skin and restore its pH level.

The mask gently brightens, calms the skin, reduces glare and soothes irritations, helps to cleanse the face, not only from sebum, but also from toxins and any impurities.

2. Face mask with flour and honey for combination skin

Combine: 2 teaspoons of honey, a tablespoon of flour, and ½ cup of brewed chamomile tea. The mask should be thick enough so that it does not run off your face. Hold it on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm boiled water. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin, nourishes it, and thanks to chamomile, it soothes irritation. Potato flour mattifies shiny parts of the face.

3. Face mask with cucumber for combination skin

Another mask that’s equally brilliant, easy to make, fast and effective. The cucumber smells beautifully, lightens the skin gently, smooths it and restores its proper pH level. It’s enough to grind half a green fresh cucumber and apply it to your face for about 5 minutes. If you do not have time – you can simply slice it and cover your face with it.

4. Banana face mask for combination skin

If you get tired of the cucumber in the care of combination skin – you can vary it by adding some banana – it has soothing and mattifying properties, as well as acidifies and nourishes the skin. It is enough to mash the fruit with a fork and apply the paste to the face for about 20 minutes, then wash it first with warm and then cold water, which will improve blood circulation and close the pores in the skin.

Do you know any quick and effective ways to take care of combination complexion? Make sure to tell me about them in the comment section:)

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