All that glitters is not gold. Cosmetics with gold

Hello Girls!

Recently, I have laid my hands on a cream containing 24-karat gold that cost just a few pounds, not more. I have to admit that I was slightly surprised. I was wondering whether is it even possible for such a cosmetic to condition skin in any way? I decided to browse the net to look for some info concerning the influence of gold on complexion. Here’s what I managed to find.

What do you know about gold?

What does come to your mind when you think about this metal, despite being expensive? Gold occurs in nature in very low concentrations. For example, in sea water there is only 4 mg of this element per one tone of water. Gold in higher concentrations occurs in ingenious rocks creating the very characteristic veins. It’s resistant to weather conditions, which means that during weathering of rocks it transforms into gold sand. What’s interesting, even human organism has really tiny quantities of gold. Namely, we have 10 mg of this element inside our body, where a half of it is located in our bones. Together with the science development it appeared that this sparkling bullion serves well as a medicine for rheumatism, tuberculosis and excessive sweating.

Gold in Medicine and Cosmetics

Gold is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial functions. It relieves symptoms of various skin diseases and allergies. On the other hand, preparations or cosmetics that contain gold have to be used in moderation. This element accumulates in tissues negatively influencing kidneys, liver and in some cases even the skin. Moreover, products containing gold are recommended for people who suffer from diabetics or epilepsy as well as for those who have problems with hair thinning. What’s interesting, people who suffer from eye inflammations should also avoid using cosmetics containing gold; but, for some reason, rubbing sty with a gold wedding ring is still a popular method of dealing with this affliction in some parts of the world.

How does cosmetics with gold content work?

They’re said to work pretty good. However, the truth is that scientists had a problem with working out a way of combining this element with creams. There were nano- and biotechnology that helped. Furthermore, now it’s known that gold penetrates the inner skin layers faster when combined with lactic acid, which has high penetrating features. But what are we going to gain thanks to such products? For example, gold smooths wrinkles, firms complexion and accelerates collagen synthesis, relieves irritations and protects against epidermis damages.

Can 24-k cream worth a few pounds work?

Probably it depends on the quality of applied gold and the production method. Also, you have to add the regularity of application and the fact whether you are allergic to this element or not. However, don’t let appearances fool you. If you see that a few-pound cosmetic containing gold is extolled by many people then a red light should be turned on. Apart from that, just look at the prices of ‘golden’ treatments that beauty parlours offer. Now compare them with the cost of some ‘golden’ products available at drug stores’.

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