What Should You Know about Keratin to Have Beautiful Hair?

Hi, girls!

There are lots of substances that will make your hairdo prettier and healthier. Some of them must be delivered in form of supplements. Others are present in your body but must be non-stop supplemented. Keratin is one of the essential hair substances. What should you know about it?

What’s the chemical composition of hair?

Hair is made up of a few ingredients. Pigments (melanin) comprise 1-5% and deliver the color. Lipids – responsible for the hydration and protection from the external aggressors – make up 1-9% of the substances included in hair. There is just 10-15% of water. Keratin comprises as much as 80-95% and is the major building block of hair. Other components include zinc, iron, copper, potassium, sulfate, calcium and manganese.

What is keratin composed of?

Keratin is a protein that fills the hair cortex. Among others, it is composed of sulfate amino acids: cystein (16%) and methionine (2%). Cysteine makes hair strong and shiny and keeps the scalp free from inflammation. Methionine fulfills similar functions. Additionally, it increases the blood flow so it stimulates growth.

What should you eat to enhance the keratin benefits?

Enrich your diet with products abounding in vitamins B7, A and C. Eat food rich in copper and zinc e.g. codfish, red and white meat, dairy, eggs, cereal products, linseed and green vegetables. For better hair condition, give up on processed food, fizzy drinks, alcohol and cigarettes.

How does keratin work?

Keratin plays many important roles in the human body. It is responsible for the right hair condition, shields from damaging external factors, ensures shine and resilience and blocks thinning. Keratin deficiency results in hair loss and breakage, brittle nails and damaged epidermis.

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