Cosmetics with acids. Why, when and how to use them?


Cosmetics containing acids are recognized as the best remedy for acne, discolorations and many other skin imperfections. Application of these products brings out truly spectacular effects. Therefore, if you want to have beautiful and healthy skin, find out how and when to use cosmetics containing acids.

When to apply cosmetics with acid?

Bedtime is the best moment of a day to use cosmetics containing acids. Also, precisely cleansed complexion is required to get the results we look for. Basically, during night, all the substances such products are made of are able to take a better care of skin with imperfections. What is essential to realize, creams containing acids shouldn’t be applied in the morning or during day because this type of beauty products might cause photosensitization. What does it mean? In short, when fruity acids are exposed to the sun, an adverse reaction may occur. As a result, skin might start featuring discolorations and irritations. Therefore, it’s important to use sunscreens while undergoing acne treatment.

Which cosmetic with acid to choose?

Of course, it depends on your skin condition and the problem you would like to eliminate. To clarify, if you want to deal with discolorations, go for AHA acids (glycolic, almond or lactic). They are able to exfoliate dead epidermis cells, light discolorations up and make skin tone even. When it comes to acne, again, you can go for AHA acid (e.g. almond) or PHA (lactobionic). Thanks to them, skin pores are cleansed and visibility of wrinkles significantly reduced. Moreover, amount of sebum gets limited. If you care for deep moisturisation, you can apply hyaluronic acid which can be either in the form of an add-in of a cosmetic or as a single substance that is injected during mesotherapy treatment.

How to apply cosmetics containing acids?

The best time to apply this kind of beauty products or undergoing acid treatments is late autumn or winter. Such products should be put on well-cleansed and toned skin. If you decide to undergo the treatment at home, you should reach for products which concentration of acids is low. As it is not hard to guess, products with higher acid content are available in professional beauty parlours. Of course, only a well-trained and experienced beautician can carry out the procedure of applying such products. Last but not least, as the acid treatment is ongoing, it is highly important to take a proper care of skin and protect the complexion. Hence, it is suggested using moisturising cosmetics and sunscreens.

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