Petroleum in comsetics. How did it affect my hair?

Hiya girls!

I had many concerns about the use of kerosene. I have been trying to test this preparation for a long time. I was afraid that it is too strong and it will dry the hair and irritate the skin. I have finally decided to do it:)

The first approach to this topic was not successful. I combined petroleum with a conditioner and applied it to washed hair. I held it for 20 minutes and then rinsed with warm water. After drying, the hair looked … terrible. It was greasy and flat as if I have not washed it for several days. However, I did not get discouraged and tried again. This time I decided to mix a smaller amount of kerosene with a hair mask and apply it before washing. I have a rather sensitive scalp, so I applied the preparation to the hair only. I left it for 10 minutes, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then I had to wash out several times because it was very difficult to remove. After blow-drying, the hair was loose and shiny. Kerosene has moisturized it quite well; it was really nice to the touch.

Will I repeat this procedure? I do not think so… I still choose hair oiling over all other hair care methods. First of all, the oils are rich in nutrients, they are completely natural. The use of oils in the long-term ensures wonderful effects on the hair. Naphtha, on the other hand, has no nutrients. It supports the maintenance of moisture inside the hair. Nothing penetrates deep into the hair, only creates a protective film. The effect is therefore only superficial. Secondly, the oil is much easier to wash out than mineral oil. You have to wash the hair a minimum of three times!. And thirdly, the smell … Well, the smell is not the most pleasant, to say the least.

I read about other uses of parrafinum liquidum and I found an interesting recipe. Add some of your favourite oil and lemon juice to the slightly warmed kerosene and soak your hands in for 15 minutes. This treatment doesn’t only moisturize the skin of the hands but also strengthens the nails. This is how I intend to use the rest of the product. I will certainly share my impressions with you.

Have you ever used petroleum? What are your experiences with this product?

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