How to Identify Hair Porosity – I’ve Tested All Methods!

Hi, my beauties

yes, you read it right: I’ve tested ALL of the methods for defining hair porosity.

All that appear online 🙂

All that bloggers write about.

I know if they are reliable, effective and eventually – I know the best way to define the hair porosity.

Today, you’ll find out, too.

Without long and monotonous intros – how to identify hair porosity? Remedies, tests, opinions.

You’re going to be surprised, believe me 🙂


To begin with, let’s do away with all tests, such as water test, flour test, coconut test, etc. All methods that expect you to apply, rub, spray, spread sth onto hair… don’t work. They are unreliable.

Fine: the water test involves putting a hair into a glass filled with water and observing the hair, checking if it sinks to the bottom or not. The test is quite reliable. Check if the strand dives or stays on the surface. If it hits the bottom fast, it means the hair is damaged, wrecked and highly porous. If it’s healthy, it’s not going to sink so easily. The ‘medium’ hair swims somewhere in the middle – slightly dives and that’s it.

This test is good on condition the strand is fully clean and free of any styling products, silicones, conditioners, oils. They close cuticles and leave an artificial coat, giving a false result. Water shouldn’t be too warm or cold. Warm water opens cuticle scales so hair dives more quickly. Cold water closes the scales and hair refuses to fall down. If you follow the rules I’ve written down, you can identify your hair porosity type with the water test. The rest of the ‘kitchen’ tests is out.

The water test showed my hair has medium porosity yet the part of the strand with the bulb sank slowly… my hair was sadly hanging, taking up the entire height of the glass (the strand got stuck to the glass twice so I recommend taking a bigger dish).


I decided to check what else I can do to define my hair porosity. It turned out the Internet is full of all kinds of porosity tests. They seem fine – short and precise questions about the hair care let you identify the porosity type. An online test confirmed the result of the water test I did. Generally, the test is okay, crisp and thought-provoking. Answering the questions made me think about my ineffective hair care routine. What’s more, after completing the test, you get a description of your porosity type, its characteristics and the right products you should use. The quiz is awesome. I recommend it.

I could finish writing now but I’ve got some more to share.


I haven’t got a microscope. Sadly, I finished school long time ago. My nephew came to rescue and offered his microscope. He put my strand of hair under the microscope. It was the first time I could see the overlapping hair scales. My hair didn’t have smooth and closed cuticle scales but it wasn’t that bad… 🙂 Watching my hair under the microscope was quite unusual.


Yeap, that’s right!

While defining your hair porosity, don’t go crazy. Don’t lose your mind! 🙂 Come on… dusting flour over your strands can’t be your last resort. Using common sense is the best solution. You know your hair, the way it behaves and looks like. You know perfectly well about your haircare sins and to be honest…


I’m sure all tests just confirm what you already feel and know – that your hair has low, medium or high porosity. Isn’t that right?

Girls, believe me, you don’t have to be a qualified trichologist to match a description of hair porosity to your hair. Before you start spilling water or flour over the kitchen, read characteristics of each porosity online and think which description matches your hairdo most. I found the most detailed descriptions on the website of Nanoil Hair Oil. This whole porosity thing isn’t so hard to diagnose, see it for yourself 🙂

Do you know your hair porosity? What method did you use to define it? Do you know any techniques I (how on earth!) haven’t heard of? You must share it in the comments 🙂

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